None of us know when we will require emergency hospital treatment. That is why we offer emergency patient clothing to provide dignity and respect to our patients.
The innovation for the Emergency Patient Clothing Program came from Anton Morrison, a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Emergency Department, who saw a need for something to be done for patients who, for various reasons, lose the clothing they come through the door with. The circumstances are beyond the patient’s control and commonly are people that have been involved in trauma and their clothing has had to be cut away for us to treat them.
As the end of the financial year approaches, we urge you to make a tax deductible donation to help us continue to supply basic clothing and underwear in our Emergency Department as well as offer colouring books for children attending our Emergency Department.
All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.
Donate now at www.bendigohealth.org.au/taxappeal