
Where the funds are going

Since its creation five years ago, Move for Mental Health has now raised almost $300,000 to improve the wellbeing and recovery outcomes of mental health patients throughout the Loddon Mallee region. During this time, a specialised exercise program, an on-site gym, sensory modulation tools and patient transport bus have been introduced to mental health departments which have made a world of difference for patients. 

Funds raised this year will enable mental health patients throughout the region to access specialised exercise programs.

These services are delivered by Bendigo Health, a leading regional health service, with around 5,000 staff and a catchment area covering a quarter of the size of Victoria.

What is Move for Mental Health?

Coinciding with Mental Health Awareness Month and World Mental Health Day, 2024 Move for Mental Health is a virtual fitness and fundraising challenge for all abilities.

You can choose to walk, run, wheel, cycle or even CrossFit your way through our month-long challenge. Simply register, set your fitness and fundraising goals and share your progress online to encourage support and donations from your social network.

Register as an individual, a family or rally your work colleagues or friends to create a team. You can start working towards your fitness and fundraising goals as soon as you sign up. You may wish to walk each day, take regular exercise classes or cycle 50km a week, the choice is yours.

The Impact 

Emily Jackson

Age: 28

When unwell Emily struggles with social anxiety. Her only socialisation is with her support workers and most of her time is taken up with her mental health. Emily couldn’t become involved with many activities due to transport, availability of activities and finances.

Once Emily became aware of the services and activities offered by the Move for Mental Health program she was keen to try things out.

“I feel like I have more confidence in socialising with people and I have made a friend!”

Emily finds it “easier to deal with people that are like minded with no discrimination or stigma. You can be yourself and you don’t have to explain about your life. There is no judgement.”

Emily regularly attends the art group and the tea & coffee group. She is also looking at supported gym memberships.

Move for Mental Health is proudly delivered by Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation

We fund specialised medical equipment and services so more people in the Loddon Malee region are treated closer to home and their loved ones, supporting Bendigo Health to provide Excellent Care. Every Person, Every Time.