Write a Will for free
Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation invites you to write your Will for free through our partnership with online Wills platform, Gathered Here.
Find out more
Consider leaving a gift in your Will as your lasting legacy
Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation funds specialised medical equipment and services so more people in our region are treated closer to home and their loved ones. Supporting your hospital to provide Excellent Care. Every Person. Every Time.
Leaving a gift in your Will enables Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation to fund programs and purchase vital equipment, adding a level of comfort and kindness to those in need.
With your help we will see more people be treated closer to home, for generations to come.
A gift in your Will to the Bendigo Health Foundation, large or small, can leave a lasting legacy for the health and wellbeing of our community.
There are many ways you can ensure your loved ones are provided for and still leave a gift to the Bendigo Health Foundation. We encourage you to discuss your wishes with your Solicitor to ensure that your Will accurately reflects your intention. It is also important that your loved ones understand your wishes and the ways you plan to make provision for the Bendigo Health Foundation in your Will.
Frequently asked questions
What wording should I include in my Will?
“I give the sum of $………….. (or …………..% of my residuary estate) to the Bendigo Health Care Group Foundation Charitable Trust ABN 13 340 801 870 of 100 Barnard Street, Bendigo Victoria for the specific charitable purpose of the Foundation. I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of the Foundation shall be full and sufficient discharge to my Executors.”
This wording can be modified to reflect your wishes by inserting a specific department or service within Bendigo Health to benefit. It is important to include the full legal name Bendigo Health Care Group Foundation Charitable Trust and ABN 13 340 801 870.
I don't have a Will - how do I create one?
We encourage you to discuss your wishes with a Solicitor to ensure that your Will accurately reflects your intention. For simple Wills we have partenered with online Wills platform, Gathered Here, to offer a free Will-making service.
There’s no obligation to pledge a gift to Bendigo Health, and your information is 100% private and secure.
Visit www.bendigohealthfoundation.org.au/onlinewill to find out more
- Fast - takes less than 10 minutes
- Free - absolutely no cost
- Easy - simply print and sign
What type of gift can I leave?
There a number of ways to leave a gift, including a specific amount, percentage of your estate or residual balance of what remains of your estate after your loved ones have been provided for. You can bequeath cash, property, shares, jewellery or other goods.
The type of gift is entirely your decision, however, leaving provision for a financial donation provides more flexibility to enable Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation to use funds where they are most needed.
How will my gift be used?
Whether it be funding equipment to help newborn babies, providing wellness programs to those living with cancer or supporting our palliative care patients, your gift will play a vital role in improving the lives of future generations. We assure you we will respect any specific directions you leave about how your gift is used and we are also happy to have a confidential discussion with you to make certain that your gift will achieve what you want it to.
Where to direct your gift?
Bendigo Health Care Group Foundation Charitable Trust (see ACNC details)
ABN: 13 340 801 870
100 Barnard Street, Bendigo VIC 3550
Phone: 1300 243 000
Email: bhfoundation@bendigohealth.org.au
What do you need to do next?
Please let us know that you have included the Bendigo Health Foundation in your Will or are considering doing so as we would appreciate the opportunity to thank you and to best understand your wishes. You can phone us on 1300 243 000 or email bhfoundation@bendigohealth.org.au
Thank you for considering a gift to the Bendigo Health Foundation in your Will.
To find out more and discuss your wishes please contact the Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation: bhfoundatio@bendigohealth.org.au or 1300 243 000
This information is provided as a guide only. Please seek professional legal advice in relation to your Will and individual circumstances.
For more information download our brochure here

Bendigo Health is proud to participate annually in Include a Charity Week, which aims to normalise the conversation about leaving charitable gifts in Wills.
Include a Charity Week runs nationally each September. Bendigo Health Fundraising & Foundation is able to support a range of programs and equipment purchases through funds received through gifts in Wills.
Create an In Memory Tribute page
If you are considering a way to honor their legacy, you may like to think about
creating an online tribute page to collect donations in lieu of receiving flowers,
or simply to provide a way for others to honor the memory of your loved one.